If you’re looking for flexibility, visibility, and control over your GSM or 4G Telguard and Optimus systems, look no further than Cirrus!

What makes Cirrus different from our other programming options? Here are the top 5 benefits of using our cloud-based programming platform:

Cloud-based Convenience

Cirrus is cloud-based, which means it’s much quicker and easier to use than other programming options. There’s no need to set up a modem or fiddle with your computer settings; simply head over to the Cirrus portal and log in! You can use any web browser, on any device, making it simple and accessible.

Cloud Programming Icon

Central Management

With Cirrus, you can manage all your devices across all your sites from one central location. You can even add multiple members of your team to your account, so they can program those devices too!

Cirrus Central Management Icon

Programming History & Roll Back

Uploaded the wrong information? No problem! With Cirrus, you can view the history of a device’s programming and roll back to a previous version. This is a useful feature that can save you time and hassle if you make a mistake.

Programming History Icon

Programming Audit Log

In addition to viewing the programming history, you can also see an audit log of which users made those changes and when! This feature is broken down into sections, like call points, PIN codes, and authorised calls, making it easy to find what you’re looking for.

Cirrus Programming Audit Log Icon

Customised Activity Log Reporting

Cirrus allows you to download a log of the unit’s activity between customisable dates. You can filter between certain times and search for specific items or events, like a PIN code or an authorised dial-to-open number. Your customised report can also be exported to a .csv file!

Customised Activity Log Icon

These are just a few of the many benefits of using Cirrus. To see a full list of Cirrus programming functions, head over to our subscriptions page! Already have a Cirrus account? Log in here and start experiencing the benefits today!